I read this feeling anxious and excited. Anxious because the chapters are too few, excited because the book is simply so good. I hope Lauren's family show extreme fear and remorse towards Lauren before they die, if they must. But the father... I feel bad for him, especially after he's starting to show Lauren some semblance of care, and I don't know why. (Maybe because I have soft spot for parents.) I know it's not easy, but please, update more, author!
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LIKEI have written her family in an attempt to prove there's very real gray areas in our dysfunctional families. not all abusive or neglectful parents dislike or hate their kids (but doesn't change the fact that it's abuse); we often feel ambiguous and conflicting feelings toward them (it isn't as easy to separate from your abusive parents as people sometimes seem to think); and, children/family relationships can be a product of the environment. :)
True. I agree. There are lots of abusive parents who would jump into fire to save their kids...I live in such a country where such parents makes the majority.
Yes. I think a lot of people think abusive parents aren't capable of love, but many of them don't know how any other way to be or have undiagnosed mental health issues, or... well, the list goes on. It's not black and white and that's what I wanted her family life to show. a subtle sign in the beginning is how, while he dotes on Marissa and lets Randall get away with murder, he's absolutely determined to save Lauren's position as his heir. It isn't enough to make up for how he treats her but it shows he does care about her. to a man like him it's like the most loving parental thing he can do .. completely not noticing or thinking about the damage he's done to her in other ways. oblivious. It isn't an excuse but it is a VERY real dynamic among some families.