I'm going to be very honest here, the beginning was boring, the fic only started to get good when Lala appeared, but this part was really wonderful so I really recommend putting up with it or just skipping the tediousness of the first chapters 1-6 which can be summed up with almost no loss in: "The MC published a novel and started middle school, Nisekoi's Riku was introduced as a classmate." From chapter 7 onwards things change and the fic gets really interesting! The romance, despite being quick, is also very good. However, apart from the romance moments with Lala, the fic is more or less boring, so as much as I loved the romance, 4 stars is the maximum I can give, even taking into account that it's a Tu Love Ru fic and I love Tu Love Ru . The MC's powers are pretty OP, the fights are meh, but the moments with Lala are top notch.
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