stupid MC, Stupid Author Decisions, stupid choices are all that make this hard to read. dude gets to become the god of the internet, gets loads of followers and divine points per day, and now suddenly all his stuff costs 10x more than a normal god, why tf did you nerf something that's supposed to be op? I'm not coming back to this, and i highly advise everyone who reads this comment to skip this as well unless you like getting a headache and having an aneurysm every chapter from all the dumb decisions taking place.
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LIKEmaybe he learn from comments ? btw It's totally coherent and justify. The Mc was a human and yes they make mistakes etc.. It's a classic method to creat ampatiz with the reader. Ur critics's totally unfair and motivate by your frustration, u probably ruin the note of a prometor author because of childness. retrospect, and come back here.
Personalmente me gusta la historia, si es verdad que a veces hay huecos argumentales, como el MC siendo un dios completo y aun así le cuesta mucho más poder divino hacer algo que a un semidios, no me imagino lo que sería si el mismo fuera un semidios. Aparte de ese hecho, se me hace entretenido, solo la parte donde no hay casi nada de conversaciones reales y todos son reacciones me causa fricción.
no habla Espanol
Ok: Personally I like the story, if it is true that sometimes there are plot holes, like the MC being a complete god and yet it takes him much more divine power to do something than a demigod, I can't imagine what it would be like if he himself were a demigod. Apart from that fact, I find it entertaining, only the part where there are almost no real conversations and they are all reactions causes me friction.
his power costs 10x from the beginning and the explanation for this is, it is easier to make fire if you are a god of fire or a god of creativity, well for a god of fire he just has to think about fire and boom there it is, now for the god of creativity he needs to think about all the steps of how the fire is made and how it can get hotter, he overcomes this 10x nerf in the future because he shares deities creating a pantheon