This fanfiction has a lot of potential. unfortunately, the Author is crippling it, and here's why. 1) Chat GPT: I don't mind Authors using 'Chat GPT' to help them write and fix grammar or sentence structure; what I do mind is just letting the machine do all the work and then only changing a single line. You've constantly repeated lines and thoughts of Alex like always being greatful or thanking someone or saying learning this will help me look at a culture completely differently and stuff like that over and over again. We don't need to be told that constantly. 2) Dioluge: It's dry; at some moments, it's okay, but overall, it just hashes and repeats, saying they had a conversation and feeling closer to the person because of said conversation. I don't know if you've watched all the shows you're adding or just read the wiki, but if it's that later, I suggest you do some watching. 3) Missed Opportunity: I'll give an example; in one of the chapters, you said Alex and Harvey helped on a case but then skipped everything and just said hey, they did amazing. what did they do that was good? How did they perform, there could have been a chapter dedicated to their first-ever case, but you just skipped past it completely. Those are the three main problems I see with this fanfiction so far. But just because It's not my cup of tea doesn't mean it's not yours. Give it a chance; who knows, you might like it.
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