
Review Detail of Gladstone_ in Origin of Chaos: Legend of The Red Tiger

Review detail


Author’s review! This novel is one I’ve had in mind for a long time now, but I didn’t write cause i was focusing on my other novel at the time. But whatever, here we are now! It starts off as a revenge themed story, following our main character Alexander Ferdi’nand, a prince thrown into slavery at the age of ten after his family were murdered in a coup. If you’re looking for a revenge-villain story, then this one is perfect for you! In the early chapters, he may seem quite whiny, complaining every time about how weak he is. But that is understandable, cause he has being a slave for fifteen years, and all his efforts to be free went down the drain. Each day the burden of his weakness weighs down on him more and more. He grew up being weak, and discriminated against due to his lack of psychic powers. The writing quality: this will not be perfect, cause I might sometimes make mistakes. But the writing is still great overall, so you’ll be able to easily follow the story. World building: the world building will be well-fleshed out, so i can promise that will be great also. Updating stability: I can’t make any promises, but I’ll try to at least drop one chapter a day. Character development: there will be good character development for sure, not just with Alex, but with the other four who survived the experiment. The story itself is a wonderful one, filled with different twists and turns. There’s no harem, that’s cause I don’t like harem. It’s never really made sense to me. It won’t be focused on romance also, there’ll be some romance, but that’s later in the story. Also, if you know you don’t like blood and stuffs like that, just avoid this novel, cause it’s going to have some bloody scenes. I already have everything planned out for the novel, so let’s hop on this new story together! Kindly drop any questions you might have about the story under this review, I’ll try my best to answer all of them.

Origin of Chaos: Legend of The Red Tiger


Liked by 5 people






No, there’ll be no harem I literally stated that in the review though, lol



Gladstone_:No, there’ll be no harem I literally stated that in the review though, lol

Is the mc or the characters in general gay why is it such a sausage fest with no female characters. This is really the only reason I’m not reading it 5 guys that’s ground zero for trash.
