haven't read why did you specify no Harem in the tags without a romance tag does that mean there's no romance at all or does that mean there is Romance but only one person it makes zero sense I don't know why people do this
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LIKEidk if it's been changed but currently there's no 'No harem' tags the closest i see is a 'nonhuman' tag Also if there's a 'No harem' tag and no 'romance' tag it'll be safe to assume there's no romance adding a 'harem' or 'no harem' tag is somewhat important as a lot of people on this app base whether they will read that fanfic (or novel) on that tag alone
okay I have one problem with this it's that you say if there's a no harem tag that usually means there's no romance and that's not true the main problem with this is if there's a no harem tag for some reason that I don't understand there is never(rarely) a romance tag even if there is Romance and I would say 50(percent)( or a little less) of the time if there's no harem tag there is Romance but it's never(exaggeration for emphasis but still rare) there
NagiToad:idk if it's been changed but currently there's no 'No harem' tags the closest i see is a 'nonhuman' tag Also if there's a 'No harem' tag and no 'romance' tag it'll be safe to assume there's no romance adding a 'harem' or 'no harem' tag is somewhat important as a lot of people on this app base whether they will read that fanfic (or novel) on that tag alone