As it is too soon for a true review, imma spit ball some suggestions for the author. The very first thing I'd suggest is to take aspects from 2 sources, Baldur's Gate 3 and the motion comic 5YL found on the YouTube channel-The Ink Tank-who gave the green light to the people to use everything on 5YL.(According to their video, 5 MOST ASKED Questions About 5 Years Later) Perhaps there's an ongoing arc where the protag develops a Dark Urge from the power he's gaining from his fallen foes, driven by it. Perhaps a Malicious God sees the early signs of it and goes "aight bet" and cranks that Dark Urge to 300%. The protag then is standing at a crossroads. One side leads to becoming the better man, to not become the Judge/Jury/Executioner. To not succumb to his Dark Urge, instead striving to exist in harmony alongside it. The other side of the road leads to becoming the sole figure to decide the fate of everything, to become a Godly being. Let the Dark Urge fully control the protag. To kill everything on sight, in cold blood, for power. To destroy even the most insignificant distraction and/or annoyance brought about his way. To cause death to everything and everyone, even the innocent.
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