
Review Detail of Almiron94 in The Elemental Legacies

Review detail


In terms of writing or people here call grammatical errors, I dont find any big issues that can disturb my reading experience. It is something that people should expect on webnovel where most of the authors are newbie. For the stability of the updates, I am always notified of a new chapter update everyday. The past few days, five chapters updated daily. That is cool but I hope you will not burden yourself that much. As a reader, I dont mind in waiting everyday for just a chapter since I dont really have that much time in a day to spend here. Thus far, I really like how the story developed. I can see the consistency in the plot and how it progressed. What the MC wants to do and everything is clear and make sense. There are too many characters but the way the characters were introduced make them memorable and there are not the side characters without contributing to the plot. Similar to other reviews, I am still having a bit issue in imagining the setting especially the world. What kind of world Solara is? That is for you to imagine. Anyways, I am looking forward on how this series is going to be on webnovel.

The Elemental Legacies


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