im loving it so far, definitely good wn so i recommend it.. also the main country of this wn seems to be india... its a first i must say... but the mc seems to have quite a complicated background, but we'll see. DEFINITELY RECOMMEND IT. AND KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK SO FAR, AUTHOR!
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LIKETHERE ARE QUITE A FEW SUBTLE SPOILERS HERE, SO I'LL LEAVE IT AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION TO READ THIS... its been a while since i stopped reading it to pile up chaps so i would have quite a number of chapters when i read it again, but anyways... based on my memory, on where i stopped, there seems to be 2 love interest so far, based on my understanding at least... they are the prof and the celeb... on the prof side, the mc already confessed that he didnt have a "love" feeling to the prof and that he would rather be upfront to it if he does have such feelings to her, someday i guess... so in conclusion, the mc and the prof dont have that "love" to them yet, but she definitely is a love interest in my opinion, dunno if u held the same view, but oh well... on the celeb side, its the victim of the mc supposed step parents, the female celeb the steps were planning to scam but failed... dont wanna spoil u too much, so i wont mention the specifics, but after a certain plot ends, the celeb seems to have grown or atleast started to have positive feelings bout the mc, but idk, the celeb seems to have quite the complicated bg and a rather mysterious and hidden side... so in conclusion and opinion, i think that there are 2 love interest or atleast potential love interest... but whether something would grow between them overtime and eventually have their relationship went beyond being just it is now, we'll to wait for more chaps and we'll see for ourseves, aight?
well what should I say I appreciate the effort you put to tell me about this but it's just I just read your comment and like just 15 mins ago i had comleted reading this novel to the latest chap but I'm grateful for your comment