
Review Detail of 1emanresU in Star Wars: Senator

Review detail


The writing quality makes this physically painful to read, I think the author would have more success if he posted this in his native language.

Star Wars: Senator


Liked by 8 people




This is a bit over the top, with saying its this hard to read. Its sounds to me like your deformed brain suffering of grammar pedantry syndrome, can't do a little typoglycemia. Stop complaining, and let use enjoy this story.


Definitely. But it gets better later as I use grammarly and other stuff. So just bear with me for the first 4 chapters


I'll try a few more chapters.

L0rds2278:Definitely. But it gets better later as I use grammarly and other stuff. So just bear with me for the first 4 chapters

Don't bother with this guy, if this is horrible to read then its because he's dyslexic or something because the writing is good


I find it difficult to read because I have standards and self respect and by 'difficult' I don't mean I can't read, I mean that I find it difficult to find the motivation to force my way through this slop.

Poison_Contractor:Don't bother with this guy, if this is horrible to read then its because he's dyslexic or something because the writing is good

If this is what you call slop, then you have never read something bad, because this is barely noticeable that the grammar and other things are incorrect, and the story grows better if you give it time. And this is from someone that has read lightnovels for at least 8 hours everyday for the last 7 years. And ive read things that are barely readable, where you guess every other sentence what they are even talking about. To storys where they are so perfectly written that the story almost become addicting. And this story is written good, so stop complaining

1emanresU:I find it difficult to read because I have standards and self respect and by 'difficult' I don't mean I can't read, I mean that I find it difficult to find the motivation to force my way through this slop.