
Review Detail of Gratiz_ in Naruto: Time Traveler

Review detail


It's a good fanfic, but let's get real, mc doesn't have time powers, he has the limited ability of transfering his consciousness to his previous self and somehow each use uses up all his spiritual energy (for example he wanted to return 1 hour to the past). This is annoying, because you can do so much with time powers: stop, slow barier (jjk six eyes), gravity (because gravity is a combination of space and time), recovery, bring back from the dead, time paradox explosions (delete button) and etc, the imagination is the limit..

Naruto: Time Traveler


Liked by 11 people




Thanks for the review! As for time powers, I don't want to make MC OP anytime soon, but it's called Time Control and not just a time travel for a reason. Later in the story this ability will improve, but will it improve to such crazy degree that you mentioned, probably not... or maybe? who knows...