I can’t stand these ai generated garbage fics. Every line just seems so fake and soulless. While ai makes it so you don’t have to worry about grammar mistakes, I feel like half of the word count just gets filled flowery bull.
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LIKEFirst of all, let me make it clear that I am the one who writes every single line of main characters in this novel. It's insulting to assume that an AI generated it. If you had actually tinkered with AI yourself, you'd know that it's not possible to generate an entire story or every line of my novel and have it make sense. The interactions between characters and the development of my own world and characters are something only I, as the author, can create. Yes, I do use AI for proofreading and polishing my work, just like many other authors use human editors. I'm only human, and I might miss some typos and grammatical errors. I use AI as a tool to help me present my story in the best possible light, but the story itself comes from my imagination, not some soulless algorithm. As for your claim that AI could generate my novel, I'd like to point out that even if such technology existed, it would be prohibitively expensive, and the result would still be soulless. If my novel were indeed AI-generated, I'm sure many more readers would have complained by now. Yet, so far, you're the only one with this issue. Thank you.
Why did you stop the Hollywood novel man
hey dude i read your novel and i enjoyed it for the most part, but i dropped it due to the ai editing, since it just adds way too many filler and flowery words that serve no purpose making most things feel uncanny, not to mention even novels with plots and worlds i enjoy feel uncanny to me if its edited by ai, like i would just be reading a chapter and it would just scream ai to me. i mean the truth is based on this novels popularity and all i would be part of a very low who are bothered by it. so if it helps you write and most of your readers dont mind it there is no reason to change it. i just wanted to share my opinion since i am pretty sure the original reviewer was taking about the ai editing, since its become super prevalent in translations and novels.