Oooooh boy... as a huge military nutcase, i gotta review this one. Alright, let's start with writing quality. Honestly, in terms of word choice and descriptions, it's fine. There is nothing to write home about there but also not many obvious issues, and only some mild feelings that things are described a bit too similarly between the ships, and sometimes it feels a bit repetitive with how the issues have been solved up to this point, seemingly just throwing weapons at enemies until they all explode, when Id personally like to see some more creative use of modern technology coming into play, but I also am not docking any points for that since the story has barely started, and that feels like the possible next direction the author is going in. Now for the plot so far. Honestly, im super impressed. The pacing specifically feels VERY enjoyable to read, and the timeskips are well implemented and dont remove my immersion much, I love to see it. Characters... honestly, at the time of writing this review, im at a bit of an odd spot with the characters, as I want to like them and root for them, but at times, I feel as though his "stern and cold" act used as a shield to kind of gloss over the lack of personal growth ive seen in the MC. Again, its early in the story so this may end up fixed later on and I dont want him to totally change but he seemingly is making the perfect decisions at every turn despite being super new to this and thus doesnt really learn or change much. I do actually love this kind of "system" character as it lets the mc sneak in info and stuff readers need while not taking the attention off the actual supporting cast. The last major topic I'll cover is world building. I am extremely happy with how the world is being built. Things up to this point make a lot of sense and seem thought out in advance. It feels like a very small world at this point so far, but again, with the pacing this book has, that is already more than most books I've read at this point. Lastly, a couple of final thoughts just from me. The book is off to a great start and can go very far and has a ton of potential. I was trying to be mostly unbiased, but personally, I love this large-scale military summoning books, so to compensate, I was probably a little too harsh in the actual reviewing part. As of now, the book has 56 chapters released, and im looking forward to more. I do worry somewhat about the story being too focused on small-scale issues for my taste later on, but im hoping it remains where it is, a very large-scale type of book, hopefully with large scale politics and wars and strategy being the focus. I've seen a lot of these stories start strong and then kinda divulge into "We had 100 but they had 10,000, but we won bc main character". I seriously hope that this story focuses on the strategy and goes more in-depth on that and less just throwing enough bigger weapons until it dies, lol. Overall, these last thoughts have been about other authors and not this one, so it's all groundless fears for now. with how well the author has done with worldbuilding the areas we have been to at this point, I am happy to give benefit of the doubt to someone who obviously has a lot of passion for this project, and im happy to join you on your voyage, Author. Fair seas and following winds! 07
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