I REALLY want to give a 5 ⭐️❗️BUT!!! I CANNOT!! I enjoyed this story so much, to the point that I finished it. Things, events and people that I was curious about but never got resolved even at the end…Plus too many errors. I felt this story should have a different title. Mom: SUPER + ❤️. She had such a major role. I felt this story should be more about her. She’s kind but too kind. Constantly run over by her sister. But no matter what the adversity was, she remained strong, if anything it was for her daughter. Her past was heart breaking. Finally finding her spot in life and the true family. Her marriage was casually mentioned, nothing to celebrate on. I wanted it to splash on some villains faces! Father: Too small of a part and character was too childish. Lin Wu: Our protagonist. Number 3 (too funny). Beautiful. Brave. Smart. Cocky. Loves freely towards her family. Her support for her mom was unbelievable. Helping her mom (and her family) achieve the unthinkable. MY favorite was when she told her mom to move forward with life, business and love. There were parts about her medical expertise as a Chinese Medicine professional was never explored further but brought up multiple times and treated as a cliffhanger. There were MANY trophies and awards but…no details. But when it came to herself in the love department…blockhead. 😂🤣🤣 ❤️ “No matter what time, as long as you look back, I will be behind you.” ❤️ - this was from daughter to mom for support. Lu Ye: Blockhead 🤣🤣🤣. His love was unwavering when it came to Lin Wu. This big boss was pretending to be a repairman but his status never cleared up at the end. Did FL and ML clearly clarified each other’s true identity? I don’t seem to remember it. Lin Wu’s Friends: Perfect friends. But Shen Lijun and Qiao Ran never found anyone. Lu Ye’s Friends: More like subordinates. But Xue Jinghao played a great role! FL/ML families: The parents and grandparents were too cute and heartwarming. These villains that had major parts but had no satisfying conclusions: Mu Baicheng and new family (I wanted to see more misery for him); Mu Xiaoxiao; the Ji family (the famous doctors); Song Jiu, goes missing for years without any explanation then comes back to only hurt Shen Lijun and gone again (?); Zang family; there were a few others that had major problems but was unresolved! (This irks me.) The ending was too rushed. The two chapters before the ending was…too dark. It didn’t sit well with me. The FINALE…completely a let down. 😡
Liked it!
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