
Review Detail of Pyumpkin in This immortality? Cannot be cultivated anymore!

Review detail


Review is solely based on the free chapters! MC is Lin Yuan. Yes, he transmigrated. How? Who knows. Maybe Truck-kun kept himself busy. Is it a cultivation story? Yes and no. Yes, because MC does cultivate, but not in the same way as you'd imagine like all the other cultivation stories. No, because... there's a huge language barrier issue. What do I mean by this? Well, you'd have to read the story to find out. Would I continue reading? I would...solely because I'm curious to know if he ever gets caught by the Eradication Department. Regardless of my opinion, don't forget to judge the story yourself!

This immortality? Cannot be cultivated anymore!

Ye Henshui

Liked by 3 people




language barrier you say? it's been awhile since I've seen a transmigration novel with one of those for the mc. given that and your mention of the eradication department makes me think that this world sees a good number of transmigrators from different worlds. or at minimum demons and they may have a will of the world marking outsiders thing going on. and the cultivation method described in the summary as well as the language barrier makes me wonder if he actually can't cultivate normally because the Dao he hears isn't in his language. lol. either way I'm gonna start reading this.


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