The fanfic started out absolutely amazing! But…ran into some problems.
For one, there is a LOT of drama, most of which is completely unnecessary. Primarily between Rosalie and Robin (Rosalie is the love interest btw).
The main point of drama that sort of ruined this fic for me, is Rosalie marrying another individual (a man) after Robin left the country for a few months. It came out of literally nowhere, and right after they got together (as in like a chapter or two).
It made the entire build up of them getting together, seem to be for nothing. And just put even more drama in the way of what people actually want.
The drama honestly gives me major Wattpad vibes. As in: The love interest cheats on the mc. The mc is still completely in love, and doesn’t truly move on. Once the love interest “realizes their mistake” they go back to the MC, who then accepts them back instantly with no repercussions.
That’s sorta what this feels like is going to happen. Idk though, as that has yet to happen just yet. But there has been a flash forward that proves they are together in the future, which I honestly see as a negative, as it corners the author into that direction, should they ever wish to change their mind.
It also just confirms to the user that Robin (the mc) WILL get back with Rosalie, even after Rosalie has basically cheated on her, and broken her heart (even worse considering they are literally mates, and cheating is one of the worst possible things you can do to a mate).
Another problem that some might have with the fic, is how long it’s taking to get to canon. Personally this isn’t a problem, but for others, it might be. Considering we are going on 50 chapters, and she has yet to get to the canon timeline.
Besides that, the only other thing I could do without, is the songs in like every single chapter. This is mostly cause it’s sorta c ringe, and nothing else.
Anyways, that’s all! I hope those who are reading this to decide on whether or not to read this, made their decision! And I hope the author can understand that this is just what I feel, and some others have expressed.
Have a good day!