2024-09-07 19:48

A good read with a nice character development. Really like the pace at which the MC's mentality is changed from the naive boy at the beginning to becoming more mature. Keep up the good work and looking forward to more chaps

Liked by 1 people



Other Reviews

It could easily be better is all I can say. I often times don't write reviews but the quality I have seen in this novel (at chapter 30) has compelled me to write this review. First. The grammer could be easily improved, there are times where it doesn't flow and it makes me wonder if this is a MTL of another novel. Correct the grammer and you would instantly see an increase in quality. Another area to improve upon is wording. I get what you're trying to say but the word choice throws it off. Combine it with the grammer mistakes and it makes you question if it was ever proof read. The story develops at a somewhat fast pace. A bit faster than I'd like to see but its nothing I haven't seen before. There are somethings that could have more screen time as they call it but this can be glossed over as trying to get into the meat of the story. The character design so far is ok imo. Could be more fleshed out but again this is a review at chapter 30 so take this with a grain of salt. updating stability, can't really comment on it as there are already 700 + chapters at the time of review. But updates seem stable if I look at how many ch/week. World building could be better as it kind of throws itself onto you as it appears. Would like to see it be better explained/fleshed out but that could be remedied at later chapter and I'm not there yet. This would easily get a higher score if the grammer and flow of the novel was fixed. I hope the author reads this review and implements the discussed topics in later chapter. And with this I'm clocking out

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