
Review Detail of Transhumanist in Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

Review detail


The writing level isn't the best, the author overly simplifies most parts of the story. It also feels like the author doesn't have the most complete knowledge of the canon events and lore. He either just skimmed the story without delving deep into the lore or he was just too young to understand the nuances of the lore especially political and sociological points. Currently the story isn't something I would waste time reading, it is mostly because of how the story utterly fails to take advantage of the strongest point of the setting. Lore, characterisation and background.

Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)


Liked by 16 people




I feel this is a skill building exercise for a new author maybe include some specific things you noticed? but I agree with what you have to say I feel it's just destinations without any journey combined with a lack of description in location or people.