I reviewed this when it was around f 3 chapters long, I previously gave it five stars thinking it had an interesting concept. But reading it now it is just a carbon copy of the original just with some minor changes that aren't relevant. There are some plotholes as well. Bit disappointed, expected a lot from this fic and the author. Maybe a rewrite could fix it but with the way it is, I don't recommend anyone to read this. Just watch the original, it is better.
Liked by 7 people
LIKEI appreciate your writing style. I recently read your Harry Potter fanfiction, and I believe that it is put together quite neatly. In my opinion, more careful planning of the stories could enhance the quality. Keep up the good work tho. I'm currently following your work, so I have high expectations for your future stories.
kamidemond:Yeah man I too believe that i need to write some original plot in my fics. Gonna pu those in from now on.