Very Pro Chinese, you have been warned. The MC is a Chinese who loves space so goes to the USA and and is killed by one of Elon Musks Space X rockets after its launch fails. He is transported back in time, to after his father dies and he sells his father's worthless tractor company. He has a China Space system, but the system cannot grant him rockets and space ships out of thin air and demands he create them, so decides to use his father's tractor company uses the system to refurbish and retool the factory to create rockets. The system aids him by creating money and even npcs to run his business, the first NPC comes with a back story, the American NASA fired him because he was Chinese and the US goverment was cracking down on those born in China. He has returned to China and now will help create the world's best rocket compsny.
Liked by 14 people
LIKEAgreed, I've seen worse/my exaggeration but the story itself is good. Is a real shame when they make these stories so political, the shaming and insults just aren't needed and I'm not even American. Every country has its problems no need to over embellish and reiterate it hundreds of times it just gets old.
*more exaggeration
most amateur novelists tend to get a bit more... nationalistic than neccesary in settings like this. it shows in professional works as well but it's more nuanced ussually. for instance how many alien invasion books or movies do you see that are in English that don't take place mostly in America. there are relatively few examples of authors setting their stories in places outside their home country unless they create the setting from scratch.