
Review Detail of StromLantern in MHA being a hero is very hard but I'm still standing.

Review detail


I Honestly cant even give an assessment on anything but the writing quality, its either a really bad google translate or someone writing with AI, either way, get some kind of grammar editor or something.

MHA being a hero is very hard but I'm still standing.


Liked by 5 people




I know I fucked up. trying to write in any language rather my mother language is hard as fuck but thank you for pointing it, I will work on it, and I will be very grateful if you pointed any other mistakes.


have commented similar thing let's see what happens I mean editor or just leave the story if story is not going to edited in some days or weeks I am leaving the story


I mean you can't even read anything properly in this story and some words doesn't even make sense if you don't even use your brain little bit I don't know what's the problem is it's a Google translator or anything else or he is just writing this way it's really bad


I know because when I saw the editor take out more than 100 mistakes I knew what you meant and sorry for that but English isn't my mother language and I tried to improve it first so I wrote and mistake to learn sorry for the first 3 chapters won't happen again, I will make sure to check them well before publishing them and thanks man for not letting me fall without even knowing

Primas:I mean you can't even read anything properly in this story and some words doesn't even make sense if you don't even use your brain little bit I don't know what's the problem is it's a Google translator or anything else or he is just writing this way it's really bad

Use Grammarly it helps a lot

THE_AH:I know because when I saw the editor take out more than 100 mistakes I knew what you meant and sorry for that but English isn't my mother language and I tried to improve it first so I wrote and mistake to learn sorry for the first 3 chapters won't happen again, I will make sure to check them well before publishing them and thanks man for not letting me fall without even knowing

I do but it still needs some extra reading to see if there's anything else that I did wrong, I started to see the progress as the numbers were decreased by 20 in average

Omni404_Sans:Use Grammarly it helps a lot