
Review Detail of Sordahon in Dead Man Walking: Living By Day, Dead By Night

Review detail


The Story starts good the Mc is cold blooded and a bit cruel but mostly realistic (holds for 20 chapters after that he's a half cruel realistic). What is strange is that the Mc suddenly finds a way to get powerfull but ignores it for the most part. He noticed a supper strong monster witch stalks him his reaction i don't give a fuck i could run away but nahhh im the mc it will leave me alone till im strong enough. Then the Mc gets a weapon and is suddenly a veteran Soldier and the Autor even writes it as if the Mc isn't a civi but a Soldier. But the most strange thing about the Mc is that in one moment he is really cautious and in the next moment he joins a gun fight over something that the Mc doesn't even need. I would say the first 10 chapters are good after that 2 stars

Dead Man Walking: Living By Day, Dead By Night


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