
Review Detail of systemwriterK in Immortal Simulation

Review detail


it s a good idea but for me the jail and the ultra long simulation is too much, whatever the case a jail in a cultivation world ? at least the jail of a little sect so there can be some movements or something and 30 pages for 24 h shows how tiring it is personaly, other may like it but fantasy makes you want to see brighter things not jails and cells. i mean i hope to see faster movement toward the story and not i cultivate in a cell until i kill everyone or i can finally teleport out. sad because the start was good with the old man thingy, can t you skip at least a bit ? i hope that helps for a rewiew i read so much books but i know it s hard to write one, guild wars was good i guess but jail it s too much. anyway good luck

Immortal Simulation


Liked by 7 people




Interesting. thanks for sharing


Why is 2 Female leads in the sheet if the tags no harem?

Kotario:Interesting. thanks for sharing

Novel has single wife romance only. The other two try but are rejected, but are also somewhat intergral to the plot. Hmm, i should probably make them main characters instead l. 🤔

Sonu_Siraj_5546:Why is 2 Female leads in the sheet if the tags no harem?