
Review Detail of novelmeister in I'll Curse Everything To My Liking

Review detail


Wonderful story to read on a day where you want to relax and unwind. There are some shortcomings in this story, but they don’t affect the plot or thrill you get when reading, as the writing quality speaks for itself. There are some issues with story progression, though. I would give this a read but wouldn’t put it on the top of my list.

I'll Curse Everything To My Liking


Liked by 4 people




About Sols past. Although there may have been bad insights on my part, there is a reason for his shadowed backstory. All I will say is there will come a point where it will all make sense, where the MC will need to face his back story head on. That makes it sound like he’s trying to escape it. Is he? I can’t tell you. As for Sols power gap. There is a good bit to unpack. Right now, pretty much the only thing making Sol stronger is 4 things. 1. Cursed energy making everything that he has stronger. Such as his spells and weapons. 2. His killing intent which has a weakening effect due to fear on his enemies. 3. His Raw Cursed Energy which he can unleash at will and use in his ether or physical attacks. He used this for the entrance exam. It excels his power greatly. 4. His fighting ability learned from his past life. He excels better than all in it. To defeat the king, he used 3 and 4 strictly, and 1 and 2 didn’t help. Creating pills doesn’t work the same in another realm. The ingredients may be different and so forth. However, another reason is simply because there isn’t jack shit in Seeranthel. Why is he not way stronger than his peers? Mostly it’s a pacing issue. This also ties into why the tournament felt like a filler arc. I wanted to end the seeranthel arc fast so that sol could finally boost in power in all aspects that don’t seem good to you and I imagine all other readers. As explained in the first few chapters, sol can not transfer spells or cultivation techniques through memory alone. Only those stores in his soul. The randim wnemy is Ionel from the Zephr Serpent. At the end if that mini arc Ionel wanted revenge. He reamins a mysterious character because he has a lot of toles tonolaybin the future. Over all, a lot of the problems in thus jovel are due to this fact that Sol was still in the sanctuary. Both on my part and the world, it was hard for hus character, husbpower, and his development + the story’s development to fourish. However, i encourage you to keep reading after he leaves the walls. I can not promise you whag you wnat, bht u can promise you that a lot of things will change and the storybwill progress kuch further, better, and more crazy. Thanks for the insights, they are the best type of help for an author.


Thanks for the review! The story progresses a lot faster when Sol leaves the Sanctuary haha.


Of course, thanks for showing interest in the reviews of your readers, regardless of what they rated your novel. I respect authors that don't have high egos about their work, so I'll describe in greater detail why I rated this novel 3 stars. Here's the reason: 1. The introduction of the main, Sol. - Although there is a backstory, it is a plain and short one. After reading more than 200 chapters of this so far, one could ponder - if such a figure truly threatened the foundation of the world and was immortal, why was such a small and insignificant backstory given? What drives Sol to conquer and dominate, other than a naive wishes? Even throughout 200 chapters, not much of Sol's past is known, and the fragments shared don't deliver his character justice. 2. Power Gap - While Sol's original body was far behind his peers, the rate of Sol's growth in power seems small compared to the legacy we were introduced to at the start. For example, why is Sol only above the Sanction Princes by a rank or two? Even though they are royalty, Sol possesses centuries (and potentially more, though that has not been made clear yet) of knowledge in alchemy to craft pills for cultivation, and yet he is only able to get a slight jump on his peers in power levels. Such a figure that invented his own type of magic who threatened higher beings, who also has tens of thousands of decent-grade pills, is still only slightly better than his peers, who are in an insignificant lower realm? It doesn't make sense. 3. Academy Tournament - The MC defeating his peers was a given, and even if he didn't possess any secret techniques or his own magic, his cultivation level alone would be enough. It seemed like a filler section of the story, to be honest. There should have been something more interesting going on, like a secret martial master disguised as one of the students or some kind of terrorist attack on the academy. Everyone and their mother knew the MC would win this tournament, so it seemed like this was only written to throw "The MC is overpowered" in the readers faces. 4. Slaying the King - When the MC goes up against the king, who is an entire cultivation realm above him in power, and wins, it doesn't make much sense. The level of power through cultivation should be made explicitly clear early on, because this is not the only instance in which I was perplexed. The city knights, who were chasing the MC down to arrest him, could be easily beaten by the MC. But yet, they were obviously more than twice his age - why were their cultivation levels low? The knights may not have access to as many pills as the MC, but they should still be at least 2 cultivation realms higher than the MC at that point. Moreover, the head of the knights was the king's brother - why was he so substantially weaker than the king? Overall, the reason why the MC being able to slay the king doesn't make sense is because the level of the MC's secret power *combined* with his standard cultivation isn't made clear, whatsoever. We don't really know how powerful he is, because he keeps getting saved by plot armor. Make it clear how he stands compared to the rest. 5. Cultivation Techniques - Why would an immortal need to learn subpar cultivation techniques from a lower realm? Shouldn't he have them memorized from his past life? 6. Random Enemy - In the novel, a certain character meets with the Sanction King and requests to be his knight to kill the MC, but no backstory is given as to who this man is and why he wants the MC. Moreover, there isn't any premise as to how this man who was weaker than the MC was able to get inside of the Academy undetected but the MC couldn't leave undetected himself. All in all, character development needed work, and the story had pacing left to be desired, considering the legacy of the MC and his base of power before he died, the story should be faster and the MC's accumulation of power should be faster, only because of the reputation of the MC.

WriterTheos:Thanks for the review! The story progresses a lot faster when Sol leaves the Sanctuary haha.

Read my novel, man. I want readers like you.....

novelmeister:Of course, thanks for showing interest in the reviews of your readers, regardless of what they rated your novel. I respect authors that don't have high egos about their work, so I'll describe in greater detail why I rated this novel 3 stars. Here's the reason: 1. The introduction of the main, Sol. - Although there is a backstory, it is a plain and short one. After reading more than 200 chapters of this so far, one could ponder - if such a figure truly threatened the foundation of the world and was immortal, why was such a small and insignificant backstory given? What drives Sol to conquer and dominate, other than a naive wishes? Even throughout 200 chapters, not much of Sol's past is known, and the fragments shared don't deliver his character justice. 2. Power Gap - While Sol's original body was far behind his peers, the rate of Sol's growth in power seems small compared to the legacy we were introduced to at the start. For example, why is Sol only above the Sanction Princes by a rank or two? Even though they are royalty, Sol possesses centuries (and potentially more, though that has not been made clear yet) of knowledge in alchemy to craft pills for cultivation, and yet he is only able to get a slight jump on his peers in power levels. Such a figure that invented his own type of magic who threatened higher beings, who also has tens of thousands of decent-grade pills, is still only slightly better than his peers, who are in an insignificant lower realm? It doesn't make sense. 3. Academy Tournament - The MC defeating his peers was a given, and even if he didn't possess any secret techniques or his own magic, his cultivation level alone would be enough. It seemed like a filler section of the story, to be honest. There should have been something more interesting going on, like a secret martial master disguised as one of the students or some kind of terrorist attack on the academy. Everyone and their mother knew the MC would win this tournament, so it seemed like this was only written to throw "The MC is overpowered" in the readers faces. 4. Slaying the King - When the MC goes up against the king, who is an entire cultivation realm above him in power, and wins, it doesn't make much sense. The level of power through cultivation should be made explicitly clear early on, because this is not the only instance in which I was perplexed. The city knights, who were chasing the MC down to arrest him, could be easily beaten by the MC. But yet, they were obviously more than twice his age - why were their cultivation levels low? The knights may not have access to as many pills as the MC, but they should still be at least 2 cultivation realms higher than the MC at that point. Moreover, the head of the knights was the king's brother - why was he so substantially weaker than the king? Overall, the reason why the MC being able to slay the king doesn't make sense is because the level of the MC's secret power *combined* with his standard cultivation isn't made clear, whatsoever. We don't really know how powerful he is, because he keeps getting saved by plot armor. Make it clear how he stands compared to the rest. 5. Cultivation Techniques - Why would an immortal need to learn subpar cultivation techniques from a lower realm? Shouldn't he have them memorized from his past life? 6. Random Enemy - In the novel, a certain character meets with the Sanction King and requests to be his knight to kill the MC, but no backstory is given as to who this man is and why he wants the MC. Moreover, there isn't any premise as to how this man who was weaker than the MC was able to get inside of the Academy undetected but the MC couldn't leave undetected himself. All in all, character development needed work, and the story had pacing left to be desired, considering the legacy of the MC and his base of power before he died, the story should be faster and the MC's accumulation of power should be faster, only because of the reputation of the MC.

Unfortunately, I only read novels that are at least 150 chapters and will only review them if they severely miss the mark or they are an outstanding piece of literature. Nothing personal, but once one of your works gets 150 chapters reply to this and I’ll personally read and review it for you.

Cosmic_Ceaser:Read my novel, man. I want readers like you.....

It's fine, man. And not like it's gonna take time for it to reach 150, so keep an eye on the book.


what a review!!!

novelmeister:Of course, thanks for showing interest in the reviews of your readers, regardless of what they rated your novel. I respect authors that don't have high egos about their work, so I'll describe in greater detail why I rated this novel 3 stars. Here's the reason: 1. The introduction of the main, Sol. - Although there is a backstory, it is a plain and short one. After reading more than 200 chapters of this so far, one could ponder - if such a figure truly threatened the foundation of the world and was immortal, why was such a small and insignificant backstory given? What drives Sol to conquer and dominate, other than a naive wishes? Even throughout 200 chapters, not much of Sol's past is known, and the fragments shared don't deliver his character justice. 2. Power Gap - While Sol's original body was far behind his peers, the rate of Sol's growth in power seems small compared to the legacy we were introduced to at the start. For example, why is Sol only above the Sanction Princes by a rank or two? Even though they are royalty, Sol possesses centuries (and potentially more, though that has not been made clear yet) of knowledge in alchemy to craft pills for cultivation, and yet he is only able to get a slight jump on his peers in power levels. Such a figure that invented his own type of magic who threatened higher beings, who also has tens of thousands of decent-grade pills, is still only slightly better than his peers, who are in an insignificant lower realm? It doesn't make sense. 3. Academy Tournament - The MC defeating his peers was a given, and even if he didn't possess any secret techniques or his own magic, his cultivation level alone would be enough. It seemed like a filler section of the story, to be honest. There should have been something more interesting going on, like a secret martial master disguised as one of the students or some kind of terrorist attack on the academy. Everyone and their mother knew the MC would win this tournament, so it seemed like this was only written to throw "The MC is overpowered" in the readers faces. 4. Slaying the King - When the MC goes up against the king, who is an entire cultivation realm above him in power, and wins, it doesn't make much sense. The level of power through cultivation should be made explicitly clear early on, because this is not the only instance in which I was perplexed. The city knights, who were chasing the MC down to arrest him, could be easily beaten by the MC. But yet, they were obviously more than twice his age - why were their cultivation levels low? The knights may not have access to as many pills as the MC, but they should still be at least 2 cultivation realms higher than the MC at that point. Moreover, the head of the knights was the king's brother - why was he so substantially weaker than the king? Overall, the reason why the MC being able to slay the king doesn't make sense is because the level of the MC's secret power *combined* with his standard cultivation isn't made clear, whatsoever. We don't really know how powerful he is, because he keeps getting saved by plot armor. Make it clear how he stands compared to the rest. 5. Cultivation Techniques - Why would an immortal need to learn subpar cultivation techniques from a lower realm? Shouldn't he have them memorized from his past life? 6. Random Enemy - In the novel, a certain character meets with the Sanction King and requests to be his knight to kill the MC, but no backstory is given as to who this man is and why he wants the MC. Moreover, there isn't any premise as to how this man who was weaker than the MC was able to get inside of the Academy undetected but the MC couldn't leave undetected himself. All in all, character development needed work, and the story had pacing left to be desired, considering the legacy of the MC and his base of power before he died, the story should be faster and the MC's accumulation of power should be faster, only because of the reputation of the MC.

if you are okay with it...I can give you some recommendations of new gems. Which with time...am sure they will surely be great novels on this platform

novelmeister:Of course, thanks for showing interest in the reviews of your readers, regardless of what they rated your novel. I respect authors that don't have high egos about their work, so I'll describe in greater detail why I rated this novel 3 stars. Here's the reason: 1. The introduction of the main, Sol. - Although there is a backstory, it is a plain and short one. After reading more than 200 chapters of this so far, one could ponder - if such a figure truly threatened the foundation of the world and was immortal, why was such a small and insignificant backstory given? What drives Sol to conquer and dominate, other than a naive wishes? Even throughout 200 chapters, not much of Sol's past is known, and the fragments shared don't deliver his character justice. 2. Power Gap - While Sol's original body was far behind his peers, the rate of Sol's growth in power seems small compared to the legacy we were introduced to at the start. For example, why is Sol only above the Sanction Princes by a rank or two? Even though they are royalty, Sol possesses centuries (and potentially more, though that has not been made clear yet) of knowledge in alchemy to craft pills for cultivation, and yet he is only able to get a slight jump on his peers in power levels. Such a figure that invented his own type of magic who threatened higher beings, who also has tens of thousands of decent-grade pills, is still only slightly better than his peers, who are in an insignificant lower realm? It doesn't make sense. 3. Academy Tournament - The MC defeating his peers was a given, and even if he didn't possess any secret techniques or his own magic, his cultivation level alone would be enough. It seemed like a filler section of the story, to be honest. There should have been something more interesting going on, like a secret martial master disguised as one of the students or some kind of terrorist attack on the academy. Everyone and their mother knew the MC would win this tournament, so it seemed like this was only written to throw "The MC is overpowered" in the readers faces. 4. Slaying the King - When the MC goes up against the king, who is an entire cultivation realm above him in power, and wins, it doesn't make much sense. The level of power through cultivation should be made explicitly clear early on, because this is not the only instance in which I was perplexed. The city knights, who were chasing the MC down to arrest him, could be easily beaten by the MC. But yet, they were obviously more than twice his age - why were their cultivation levels low? The knights may not have access to as many pills as the MC, but they should still be at least 2 cultivation realms higher than the MC at that point. Moreover, the head of the knights was the king's brother - why was he so substantially weaker than the king? Overall, the reason why the MC being able to slay the king doesn't make sense is because the level of the MC's secret power *combined* with his standard cultivation isn't made clear, whatsoever. We don't really know how powerful he is, because he keeps getting saved by plot armor. Make it clear how he stands compared to the rest. 5. Cultivation Techniques - Why would an immortal need to learn subpar cultivation techniques from a lower realm? Shouldn't he have them memorized from his past life? 6. Random Enemy - In the novel, a certain character meets with the Sanction King and requests to be his knight to kill the MC, but no backstory is given as to who this man is and why he wants the MC. Moreover, there isn't any premise as to how this man who was weaker than the MC was able to get inside of the Academy undetected but the MC couldn't leave undetected himself. All in all, character development needed work, and the story had pacing left to be desired, considering the legacy of the MC and his base of power before he died, the story should be faster and the MC's accumulation of power should be faster, only because of the reputation of the MC.