
Review Detail of ApproachingStorm in The supporting character's harem is very normal

Review detail


This novel is fire idk what some of the other comments are on about. I'm 240 chapters in and loving it. THE IMPORTANT THING: Don't read this if you expect a huge amount of plot and character development over difficult battles, this is a slice of life for a reason. THE SECOND IMPORTANT THING: THE WHOLE POINT OF THE PLOT IS FOR THE MC TO BE NICE. The reason he gives into the FMC's waterworks isn't because he is dumb, it's because he's just a nice guy. This entire story is a diss of your typical super sayan anime protagonists and it puts a normalish guy into this scenario and it's great. Only downside is that he still doesn't have a single woman after 240 chapters (by his own choice) OVERALL: I'd personally recommend unless U want dark anti-hero MC (also he is still OPMC so don't worry)

The supporting character's harem is very normal


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I totally get your point, I felt the same way closer to the start but I'm glad to let you know that my guy finally has 2 harem members and neither of them are FLs so he wasn't lying abt wanting a harem. In the end, no matter what I say, you won't like the novel and that's fine. Your taste is probably powerful MCs both physically and mentally and that's fine, I like those novels too, but I also think that an MC who just wants to settle down and is a nice guy is a good thing. One final thing, I won't defend how he's just giving in to the FL's demands all the time, it's obvious that the author intends to eventually have the MC in a relationship with them and isn't sure how to make it seem like he doesn't just want to cuck the protagonist but I promise you that MC is changing for the better. I don't want to spoil, but the MC isn't always going to be on the protagonist's team. It's not gonna be nice how MC cuts ties with protag, emphasis on the 'cut'. Anyway, enough ranting, I like the story but I can understand why you might not. I encourage you to give it another chance as the things you don't like are changing, mostly. Happy reading to you and anyone else who reads this comment. 😀👍


Why even entertain all the heroines if he knows he can’t do anything with them .. why help Alec because he’s an protagonist ?? Just because he’s a nice person .. seems like lathel is just living a life getting tossed around by heroines .. I like lathel but I want him to have some sort of goal .. if he’s gonna use the system then use the system , if he’s gonna use the protagonist chances then use them .. if he want a harem stop focusing on women he can’t get and look for women that he can .. it’s all a mess