
Review Detail of Yamastro in Magic, Curses and Gods Amongst Men || HP x JJK

Review detail


Just caught up. I don't read HP fics that much so i don't know how it fares compared to the other ones but regardless of that i think this is pretty good. The story is pretty slow paced though and looking at chapter dates your update schedule won't help either. So there is a chance people might get bored. This happened to me with your Dance of the Dragons fic. Even though he was not it Old Valyria for long chapter wise or word count wise thanks to the update stability you have going on it felt extremely boring at some point. While reading i found myself disliking the way you wrote Harry. No that's wrong. It's his strength i don't like. While i like that he isn't a god like sorcerer from the start, because that would get boring pretty fast, he has the Six Eyes. I am not that knowledgeable about Jujutsu kaisen as i have not read the manga neither have i watched the second season of the anime however i do know that Six Eyes is a cheat that makes you extremely strong even at a young age thanks to the comments i have read. So i found myself saying "why is he weak" while reading even though it is better that way because he is not weak he is just not as strong he should be. He will probably get actually strong in a couple of years and while that is ok it will take a long time for that to happen and the wait will kill me which, again, brings me to your update schedule. I loved the way you did the characters. Especially Albus. In the few HO fics ive read he was portrayed as evil. Don't have a problem with that but it got boring and it was just not well written. Tho even if you wrote an evil Albus i believe i would've liked because you are a good writer. And the idea of a mix between Jujutsu Kaisen and Harry Potter words is wuite and enjoyable one. Looking forward to see you go deeper into the role of both these words. I assume they have pretty deep lores. I actually gave Updating Stability a one star but then the review itself becames a four star and this book is too good for a four star review. All in all would recommend. While not one of the best things i have read it has 10 chapters so far so might be by the end of it. This is the longest comment i have written in my 20 years so i wanna see you answer to this.


Magic, Curses and Gods Amongst Men || HP x JJK


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İ don't understand how it'll make things smoother but i trust you. You'll make it make sense as we continue further i am sure. And that was the only major problem i had about the fic. Him not being OP just did not make sense because Six Eyes is a cheat. Now it's gone. About Harry's character-i like him. I think there is a lot of room for development. The Halloween will be a wake up call for him i suppose. A reality check of sorts. Which is good. I really like character development. Makes me wonder how he'll turn out as a character. I am sure you won't pull a Jamie Lannister on us. "Innocent or otherwise" remember that? Really invested in this fic right now. But don't feel forced to write. I hate it when a writer loses interest in his book. Keep up the great work.

TheManUnderTheBed:Tbh you are right about the six eyes, it is a pretty big cheat. That being said I do think he’ll be limited in how he can use it pre Hogwarts. Harry is aware that he has a supernatural energy inside him and that there are monsters that roam, but he doesn’t know what magic is, innate techniques, or spells. Having the six eyes in that situation won’t make him powerful it’ll give him control over his magic and allow him to see magic in a large radius. Continuing on from that there were certain things that needed to be done in order to make the crossover smoother. So if the Six eyes seems a bit nerfed then it’s because it makes things a lot easier. But even so I hardly nerfed it. As for Harry, he’s being written this way on purpose. He is strong compared to almost every student without even trying. He is acting lazy and irresponsible, and treating Hogwarts as a place to have fun. This is all part of his development, he has been warned multiple times that he needs to start taking things seriously but he has not listened. Things will change by Halloween, where Canon will diverge massively and Harry will realise the consequences of his actions. In regards to updates, for a lot of the time I hated writing it cause of how closely I had to follow canon, it got so boring. I think I’m around 4 chapyers ahead now and will probably post soon. Same with Blood and Dragons where I just lost the will to write cause I was disappointed with how I’d did things. But that fic only has one more chapter in Valyria then I’ll be moving onto more canonish stuff. If I don’t update this fic it’s not cause I’ve abandoned it, I work like 5 days a week so sometimes I don’t have much time. But I’ve planned up to sixth year with this fic and some of seventh year as well (Though mostly in regards to the final conflict) I’m happy to hear you like my writing, I do know what you mean when you say you can lose interest. I will try and update more frequently. 👍🏻

Tbh you are right about the six eyes, it is a pretty big cheat. That being said I do think he’ll be limited in how he can use it pre Hogwarts. Harry is aware that he has a supernatural energy inside him and that there are monsters that roam, but he doesn’t know what magic is, innate techniques, or spells. Having the six eyes in that situation won’t make him powerful it’ll give him control over his magic and allow him to see magic in a large radius. Continuing on from that there were certain things that needed to be done in order to make the crossover smoother. So if the Six eyes seems a bit nerfed then it’s because it makes things a lot easier. But even so I hardly nerfed it. As for Harry, he’s being written this way on purpose. He is strong compared to almost every student without even trying. He is acting lazy and irresponsible, and treating Hogwarts as a place to have fun. This is all part of his development, he has been warned multiple times that he needs to start taking things seriously but he has not listened. Things will change by Halloween, where Canon will diverge massively and Harry will realise the consequences of his actions. In regards to updates, for a lot of the time I hated writing it cause of how closely I had to follow canon, it got so boring. I think I’m around 4 chapyers ahead now and will probably post soon. Same with Blood and Dragons where I just lost the will to write cause I was disappointed with how I’d did things. But that fic only has one more chapter in Valyria then I’ll be moving onto more canonish stuff. If I don’t update this fic it’s not cause I’ve abandoned it, I work like 5 days a week so sometimes I don’t have much time. But I’ve planned up to sixth year with this fic and some of seventh year as well (Though mostly in regards to the final conflict) I’m happy to hear you like my writing, I do know what you mean when you say you can lose interest. I will try and update more frequently. 👍🏻