I changed my mind I had given it 3 stars before but this is hot garbage as i read more raws. Author keeps making new enemies out of thin air, snatches away MC s things to make it look fair including opportunities and sorts and lots of consistency issues. If anyone has read gate of good fortune they will know what i am talking about
Liked by 37 people
LIKEi will give an example of this garbage . Later in the story our mc gets a powerful kind of energy (consider it energy for now). He had 1650 units and 1 unit allowed him to break through a minor level and it could be used for skills too. But just a few chapters later all 1649 units got consumed because of something trying to invade hi. Exactly 1649 units were consumed . This pattern is repeated throughout the book . Looks like on his wedding night when the author was going to sleep with his wife, 10 other men suddenly appeared and kicked him out of the room. Thats why he is traumatized and keeps writing stuff like this
Thank you bro dodged a bullet their
thanks for the warning this is almost as bad as protagonist getting NTR I read for fun not to accumulate more anger
thanks to your sacrifice 🙏... I am alive
You are free to have your own opinion and taste. This is just not my cup of tea and i find these types of stories extremely unpleasant and hence my opinion.