As of chapter 14, what is the biggest problem of this novel? The answer is everything related to romance. The pacing is bad, the transitions are bad, the motive behind the interest is bad, the time it takes between interest and relationship is bad, a bunch of red flags towards who will be part of the harem etc. If you're like me and want quality content, I suggest you either skip this novel entirely or skip every single paragraph with a girl in it. This book is supposedly a western original but everything related to romance feels like the most generic Chinese trash. Every bit of romance I read downgraded the quality of the story by at least 50 percent. I don't understand what's with webnovel and western authors repeating the same mistakes again and again. It's not enjoyable, it's frustrating, it's boring and repetitive. Go read some Sherlock Holmes, Agatha Christie or anything else for a more real and mature outlook on what romance is, anything but Chinese webnovels for god's sake. Other than that, the science is interesting and the story is almost non-existent till this point. It's just an endless slice of life of him learning and talking to people around him in an environment that feels like it will quickly lose its meaning by virtue of whatever the supernatural element presented at the beginning is. I can only give it a score of 3.2 after reading so much.
Liked by 13 people
LIKEYou're welcome... I might have sounded a little harsh, but please know that I don't have anything against you as a person, I'm just frustrated that romance in webnovel usually isn't as good as I'd like. I hope your novel can keep going and that you have success in your endeavors.
WorldScholar:Thank you for feedback.