So far, so good! The story so far is not too shabby. Maybe elaborate more on daily life or slice of life elements, but also add little more worldbuilding and background. Overall I genuinely like it. Keep going and continue the work, you’re doing great!👍👍😀😀😄
Liked by 4 people
LIKE“The Rebellion Burns Bright” by Okmangeez. Very similar premise to your novel, In my opinion does very well in showcasing albeit a bit too idealistic. “Tyranny of Steel” by Zentmeister, Great in Worldbuilding, Lore, and Realistic knowledge of various things. Although it was great read, I have some criticism towards that novel. Any books by SorryImJustDiamond, Great at characterization and showing various aspects of Knowledge from Modern day. At times a bit unrealistic. There is some web fictions I want to mention like any books by rub37 and Sarthak in alternatehistory, though you may need an account to access. For now that is all the recommendations.
Thanks for the recommendations. I don't plan on the MC being some guy who can change the entire culture of the USA overnight without much effort or push back. The plan is for a methodical build up of economic strength to make social change through monetary incentives. I love tyranny of steel, but I feel like it progressed to rapidly sometimes so progression through the tech tree will be paced down a bit.
That is one of my criticisms, other the unnecessary genocides of other ethnic groups.