Pretty good i do hope the mc will get some seeds from earth to plant Every fruit and vegetable over time could be planted even forign plants Also if the mc can bring some of the more sturdy wood sapplings they could use that also May i give a suggjestion have the mc use poison on some of his enemys Cyanide would be interesting as i dont think that world has knollage about it Apple seeds would do wonders for it The mc could also line the streets with fruit trees and baskets bellow them to catch any fallen fruit they would be free to eat and help prevent starvation Btw the mc has not tried to bring animals to the new world yet he could bring some animals to be raised into a food sorce
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LIKEI mean rice Is alive if the mc can store that he can store seeds they are like in stasis in a way not a full plant considering seeds can be dormant for such a long time its kinda like Between life and death in a way If the mc can bring a apple through the seed in said apple would still be alive Tho if you were to plant it you’d get crabapples also the mc bringing spices to grow ect would give you a great deal of ways to go in the story But whatever you want man your story kinda writing yourself into a box tho in this particular part
Yes, I will take your suggestions into consideration.