
Review Detail of Darkarcanum in Dual Cultivation God Returns

Review detail


My review is in the image below.........

Dual Cultivation God Returns


Liked it!




Apology accepted, I also apologise for my part in the matter. I'm sorry to hear about your circumstances, it's also harsh that pirates are impacting you to such an extent, it's definitely not fair, the best way to think of it is exposure and advertising, many pirates wouldn't purchase the work to begin with, especially if they live in poorer countries so you can't necessarily count them as lost income. Honestly WebNovel isn't even that great a platform for money. The guy who wrote "Lust Knight" had a Patreon and was making good money with hundreds of members, he switched to WebNovel and lost it all, he didn't appreciate what he had. Regarding Dual Cultivation, trust me I definitely have my problems with that series and author, "writing out of spite", I can see why. Honestly I do think your writing is good, I'm lucky enough to have a decent job with a lot of spare time and have read literally 10 hours a day for years on end so my standards are very high, just from a literacy perspective you are better than 99% of people on WebNovel, if you can just work on creating characters and interactions with soul you'd be on the road to professional standards, something I'd sub to a Patreon for. No need to repeat the review as tbh I just wanted to get my message across to you rather than other people if I think about my original intent. Take care.

DaoistGreenOnion:I do have to apologize for reacting strongly, and for falsely accusing you of something you did not do, and being rude. I have been plagued by the pirating readers I recently found on the Discord Server and banned harassing me with reviews. Not to mention that the s-tes they read on are halving my income as of late. I am also having a hard time writing or sleeping or doing anything really because of a serious dental problem for the 3rd day already, the painkillers are giving me a minor anxiety and depression. All of that is not an excuse for acting the way I did but I just want to explain what led to that severe a response so you don't take it personally. And I appreciate you taking the hand offered to de-escalate when you had every right to refuse and be angry. Once again, I am sorry for the over-reaction and for the false accusations, as well as for the rude attitude. The thing with the DC is actually a funny story as this novel did start out of spite to an extent, or a way to find closure to something I saw no way of getting, but as I wrote in the aux chapter and in replies it has since moved into its own story. But I still left many blatantly obvious signs of where the initial inspirations came from in the beginning, because I did not want to conceal the origins of the story, something I admitted to as well. I hope you were not too inconvenienced by the exchange for which I again apologize. You can repeat the review if you wish, which I will leave intact without deleting as it is indeed valid for the first part of the story and to a degree even until some recent chapters. It is hard to take criticism of something you create when you are invested in it, especially when that comes constantly from dozens of people a week. And all the more if it is something I already admitted to and am acutely aware of. Again, not an excuse or justification to behave in such a way, just explaining where the aggression came from. Thank you for the kind words and I wish you luck as well.



sorry, p_i_ra_s-te readers get no reviews on the official one, you can go and try to retaliate for the ban by leaving one on your favorite instead XD


Not sure why you keep using xD is if it is punctuation, I've noticed that in your comments, you sound like a tweaked out South Park character, you do realise that right?


I am more amazed at how people like you have the audacity to get offended and angry at someone you have been robbing catching you and excluding you from a Discord server, it's not even that big of a deal compared to what you do. XD

Darkarcanum:Not sure why you keep using xD is if it is punctuation, I've noticed that in your comments, you sound like a tweaked out South Park character, you do realise that right?

I'm not on the discord server, and if I "was" pirating which I'm not saying I even was, that doesn't change the very valid feedback I gave you which could improve your work. You are the one who is clearly butthurt, not sure why you're projecting.


One other thing, I do have to laugh at you accusing others of theft when your work is clearly plagiarised even if you veered away later the foundation is basically copy and paste from MLB's Dual Cultivation. People see in others the things they hate about themselves. "xD"

DaoistGreenOnion:I am more amazed at how people like you have the audacity to get offended and angry at someone you have been robbing catching you and excluding you from a Discord server, it's not even that big of a deal compared to what you do. XD

lol, And who is butthurt now? XD

Darkarcanum:One other thing, I do have to laugh at you accusing others of theft when your work is clearly plagiarised even if you veered away later the foundation is basically copy and paste from MLB's Dual Cultivation. People see in others the things they hate about themselves. "xD"

I'm not the one who wrote a review in Google Docs after getting banned man. Google Docs is for something with intent, when you really want to think something out, remember that for future reference and use copy paste. Let me be very real with you. Without the XDs so you don't get distracted. The "very valid feedback", in regards to relationship building is something I admit even in my own ATs and conversations with readers as mistakes of first book written, but you don't know that, because you are pirating. There is a fine line between constructive criticism designed to improve work and a malicious one designed to hurt the creator. Any normal person can tell the difference between the two at a first glance. The blatant ignoring of any other aspect of the book is also very telling, in the way the "very valid feedback" is worded. And the 'subtle' jab with the maturity is, again, poorly hidden. The motivation behind that feedback is also "very valid" for sure. What I am "butthurt" over is the necessity to come off as someone high-handed while you're a petty thief who just wants to have his final word in because he got 'offended'.

Darkarcanum:I'm not on the discord server, and if I "was" pirating which I'm not saying I even was, that doesn't change the very valid feedback I gave you which could improve your work. You are the one who is clearly butthurt, not sure why you're projecting.

Google Doc? I didn't use it and I'm not sure why it is relevant, Web Novel is finicky in words and phrases it finds acceptable and will auto ban a review. That is a screenshot from a note, nothing to do with "Google". I really hope you continue without the "xD's", as it makes you look like a five year old.. no offense. You perceived malice and yet you admit that it is a fault you agree with? Which is it? I read the free chapters on my PC and bought 2 chapters ahead, not sure why you're obsessing over this "thief" angle like you're so virtuous, why I've bought plenty of content and even subscribed to the Patreon's of those who deserve it, you however throw tantrums like a child, this despite being a plagiariser who monetizes the ideas and content of other people, perhaps the pot should stop calling the kettle black, especially when it is clearly paranoid about pirates when it should look in the mirror a little. You could introspect a little here, but I doubt you have the self awareness based on what I've seen. "xD"


If you are interested in continuing this discussion like an adult instead of exchanging snarky comments like 2 five year olds, send me a friend request at daoistgreenonion on Discord so we can chat directly. Otherwise it really is too much hassle to communicate like this.


Leave it, no point in exacerbating the matter, though it is appreciable you made the offer calming things down a little as people can say/do things they don't mean when they're angry. I admit I was annoyed that my review was deleted and accused as I felt you had good writing skills, but let yourself down by endless amounts of smut with no heart, if that changes after chapter 70 something then that's a good thing, though I feel a review after the free chapters is valid. Anyway good luck with your book.

DaoistGreenOnion:If you are interested in continuing this discussion like an adult instead of exchanging snarky comments like 2 five year olds, send me a friend request at daoistgreenonion on Discord so we can chat directly. Otherwise it really is too much hassle to communicate like this.

I do have to apologize for reacting strongly, and for falsely accusing you of something you did not do, and being rude. I have been plagued by the pirating readers I recently found on the Discord Server and banned harassing me with reviews. Not to mention that the s-tes they read on are halving my income as of late. I am also having a hard time writing or sleeping or doing anything really because of a serious dental problem for the 3rd day already, the painkillers are giving me a minor anxiety and depression. All of that is not an excuse for acting the way I did but I just want to explain what led to that severe a response so you don't take it personally. And I appreciate you taking the hand offered to de-escalate when you had every right to refuse and be angry. Once again, I am sorry for the over-reaction and for the false accusations, as well as for the rude attitude. The thing with the DC is actually a funny story as this novel did start out of spite to an extent, or a way to find closure to something I saw no way of getting, but as I wrote in the aux chapter and in replies it has since moved into its own story. But I still left many blatantly obvious signs of where the initial inspirations came from in the beginning, because I did not want to conceal the origins of the story, something I admitted to as well. I hope you were not too inconvenienced by the exchange for which I again apologize. You can repeat the review if you wish, which I will leave intact without deleting as it is indeed valid for the first part of the story and to a degree even until some recent chapters. It is hard to take criticism of something you create when you are invested in it, especially when that comes constantly from dozens of people a week. And all the more if it is something I already admitted to and am acutely aware of. Again, not an excuse or justification to behave in such a way, just explaining where the aggression came from. Thank you for the kind words and I wish you luck as well.

Darkarcanum:Leave it, no point in exacerbating the matter, though it is appreciable you made the offer calming things down a little as people can say/do things they don't mean when they're angry. I admit I was annoyed that my review was deleted and accused as I felt you had good writing skills, but let yourself down by endless amounts of smut with no heart, if that changes after chapter 70 something then that's a good thing, though I feel a review after the free chapters is valid. Anyway good luck with your book.

You don't need to apologize as your part was entirely my own fault. Thank you very much for the kind words, and words of advice. Take care as well.

Darkarcanum:Apology accepted, I also apologise for my part in the matter. I'm sorry to hear about your circumstances, it's also harsh that pirates are impacting you to such an extent, it's definitely not fair, the best way to think of it is exposure and advertising, many pirates wouldn't purchase the work to begin with, especially if they live in poorer countries so you can't necessarily count them as lost income. Honestly WebNovel isn't even that great a platform for money. The guy who wrote "Lust Knight" had a Patreon and was making good money with hundreds of members, he switched to WebNovel and lost it all, he didn't appreciate what he had. Regarding Dual Cultivation, trust me I definitely have my problems with that series and author, "writing out of spite", I can see why. Honestly I do think your writing is good, I'm lucky enough to have a decent job with a lot of spare time and have read literally 10 hours a day for years on end so my standards are very high, just from a literacy perspective you are better than 99% of people on WebNovel, if you can just work on creating characters and interactions with soul you'd be on the road to professional standards, something I'd sub to a Patreon for. No need to repeat the review as tbh I just wanted to get my message across to you rather than other people if I think about my original intent. Take care.