
Review Detail of DaoistJFP4gl in Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }

Review detail


hi author i see that your ff despite being better than most out there and i mean really really good alright it's not getting that many stones but hey even trash ones get so many but i want to say that u need not care about them it's the few readers who love ur work that u need to care about and I really love it you've got potential just keep writing ,i wanna read it to completion so plzz don't drop it orEmma gonna go 💔

Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }


Liked by 2 people




THANKS MAN !! it means a lot. there has been many who just dropped because of some problems which made me feel down, but that's readers like you who give me motivation to write, so thanks for the support and I will try my best in completing this and give you guys the best meaningful ending !