You wasted enough energy by visiting my profile... just give me the damn heart man! #NoHarem.
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You could have made him like Momoshiki if your really like that choice of appearance. Maybe a mix of Boros and Momoshiki.
A little bit of quirks is fine, but outright psycho? nah dude, it's disgusting to read and can't even relate with the MC. It's not even well written, and the actions of the dude didn't get justified in some twisted way to understand why he is like this. Bro woke up in one piece and simply decided to slaughter everyone.
One of the most pathetic MCs I have ever read about.
10 chapters in and this has nothing to do with Tensura. Monsters are mindless and he kills them for levels which shouldn't exist in Tensura but let's say he has a system. The MC says I am in Tensura after looking at some trees like how the hell you came to that conclusion. The power levels is all over the place. Author refers to Magicule as Magic. Almost sure this book is just a clickbate. Don't know where this dude brought this book and copy pasted another dudes work but even if that's not the case then I am sure it's at least a copy paste of that Isekai anime where dude goes back and forward between earth and a fantasy world using a door. They have the same bs leveling system as that Anime.
Ogres are fully sentient in tensura
I thought the same
It was just a comedic relief and excuse for whatever romance or harem the author is planning.
No matter what, Garou even in his Monster form, didn't kill a single human. He wasn't a murderer.
what can I say to you? simply disappointing.