
Review Detail of dleeh in Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }

Review detail


im not to great at giving reviews but ill give it a shot. in the first few chapters wasnt really catching my interest too much but that fight between the mc and sakumo is what really hooked me into the story. the attempts at humor those first couple chapters was a little rough but then got a lot better after and i was genuinely laughing out loud at some of the jokes. my only complaint is i feel hes getting stronger to slowly but the author did explain his reasons which i feel are completely reasonable but still i feel that tiny bit of disappointment at his growth but im sure that will start ramping up when that 2nd war starts. i hope that this merchant arc doesn't drag on to long while i think traveling around the 5 villages is neat im a little worried it will just turn into a whole lot of nothing really happening but i guess we will see and i will just have faith in the author it turns out cool. oh totally forgot to mention i really enjoyed his interactions with the other characters so far like dai and his nara buddy and hope to see them show up more often lol

Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }


Liked by 8 people




Ayo thanks for the review G.


forgot to ask is it gonna be single fl or more than one for mc. its because some author thinks 2-3 is not harem

The_Zen_Boy:Ayo thanks for the review G.

Single of course.

Ashborn1609:forgot to ask is it gonna be single fl or more than one for mc. its because some author thinks 2-3 is not harem