2023-07-10 12:01

All around well written story and has one of the best time travel plots I have ever read.

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WQ:5 US:5 SD:4 CD:3 WB:3 WQ and US self-explanatory 5 stars. The chapters are longer than average too which is a plus. SD… it’s not bad at all. But sometimes for ‘comedy’s’ sake, author adds in odd scenes like with Draco fighting him off or those extra candidates in first task, which I honestly don’t find very amusing. But that may be a subjective thing. It just seems like the story should be a lot ‘bigger’ than it currently is. CD: The MC is… naive. It’s not something I personally enjoy in an MC. But I get that’s the character design. What is odd to me is the way Serafell and all the side characters act. Let’s not get started on the ‘Become 18 so we can date’ shenanigans which has 0 logic unless author is big braining and having Sera scheme against him, but like the MC has very little going for him for Sera to be interested anyway. How do I say this kindly… he’s a boring person imo. WB: I didn’t rate this one on how expansive the world is, but how lacking the story is in the small details (probably for the sake of comedy). Come on… let’s not even get started on Gringotts getting things checked before establishing odds, the fact that they went bankrupt? I don’t even know man. Economy is definitely not something taken into consideration while writing this, which is fine, but limits the WB score. A review made as of chapter 18- Duel? I’m dropping, but good luck author. It’s a decent story, just doesn’t tickle my b * lls the right way lol.

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