2023-07-08 10:13

Turns into a cringe blowing of CCP institutions and culture. Throws unsubtle shade at foreign countries. It's the kind of "subtle" that can be seen through at first glance. Overall the way MC acts just feels like propaganda to make CCP China look good.

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Thing is, if one has a true and complete understanding of the *true* situation happening in china… Any and all propaganda that they spout can just be treated as comedy. You could treat stories likes this that embelish china as the shouts of madmen. If you think they’re shouting is entertaining, you can continue to loiter and stand around. If you found them too noisy, just leave and you wont be too bothered by their noise anymore


Honestly many chinese novels have the author insulting foreign countries, but that doesn't change the fact that before foreign countries are introduced, their own country is written to be just as bad, with just as much corruption

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