Be warned the name is deceiving it not selfish lunatic instead it is selfless lunatic he gives his things freely and trusts others easily and has no great ambition and the story only revolves around one city. Just a waste of time
Liked by 8 people
LIKEThis Novel is absolute trash! 🚮 🗑️ The MC is a sucker and a Huge SIMP‼️🚨🚨🚨 This is the type of novel where anything remotely male is evil and killed, while anything female is worshipped. All the major characters are female; villains, side characters—heck, even the boss of a random company is always a woman. Truly one of, if not the most, annoying stories on this app. This book will literally give you a headache. It’s not even funny because it’s so disappointing, especially since it had potential.