
Review Detail of littlemaomao_ in The Magi-Tech Academy

Review detail


This story stirred our imagination in a very good way, with a very strong opening scene. . . This story was told in very good descriptive ways, the author didn’t seem to force their readers to imagine their own imagination. Instead, they gave space for readers to imagine in their own perspectives. Unfortunately, there was still some vocabulary that unsuitable to use in some parts. Also, I suggested author to part between the character’s dialogue and the descriptive explanations. I often get confused with ways author from a sci-fi or action genre write, it felt too fast, like, the MC did this and suddenly that. I also suggest the author to consider using a detailed explanation on character’s emotions/expressions. But overall, it’s a very interesting story. In fact, I can’t wait to see the what will happen next. . . So much room for improvement, so, Ganbatte, author!!! Keep up the good work!!!

The Magi-Tech Academy


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