
Review Detail of OliverfINKing in Tales of the New World

Review detail


This review is based on my first impression of the novel in the complex: bookcover, synopsis, tag and the first chapter (I also peeked at the titles of the other five chapters for more context). The reading experience is overall positive . The two slight problems I found were that just at the beginning of ch 1 It isn't exactly clear if the point of view of the m.c. narrator Is from the future looking back toward the past or contemporary(going with my memory it's written somenthing like" at this moment I'm fishing" and in the next line " I remember It like It was yesterday" It confused me a bit😅). The other thing I had so.e difficulty wrapping my head around the introduction of 6 character at the first chapter (the family of m.c. and the two friends) but I guess that would solve by itself uncounsciously studying the names, personalities in the following chapters The update frequency is good but not that much stable. The bookcover is of very high quality, related to the s.f. genre (I' m curious about the source) and catches the eye, nothing to advice there. The synopsis similarly is coincise but sounds interesting thanks to the distopian setting. The pacing in the first chapter seemed fast but I guess that's normal given that's probably the introduction to the reincarnation of the m.c.(guess based on titles and tags). Even though the other five characters stealed him space in the first chapter the m.c. sounds interesting thanks to the hints given through the dream and his good eye. Definitely recommended, in the future progressing with the read I may edit the review . Keep It up author 👍

Tales of the New World


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Thank you very much for your review overall, my friend made the book cover and the first chapter is kind of narrated by someone and at the same time made in the same time as if the main character's friend was telling it to someone, you will understand as you read on. Generally, chapter 6 is a turning point and also shows why it is a sci-fi title. I would also like to add that I would be grateful if you continued reading. Thank you.