
Review Detail of VoidReader8577 in As a Lucifer in DxD

Review detail


I have read all of the chapters so far so this is gonna be an honest review. Starting off with writing quality, it is readable but it could be better. The story is littered with incorrect grammar, capitalization, and punctuation. This sometimes breaks the immersion and can be a little annoying. I recommend proof reading before posting. The mistakes are especially prevalent in the earlier chapters. The update stability leaves much to be desired. While for the past 3 chapters, it has been one chapter a week, I feel that the story does not offer much for that to be a reasonable update stability. Also, 22 chapters in 4 months is just really bad. It would be better if we were able to get more chapters more frequently like 2 or 3 a week, which I think will lead to more support for this story. This is especially true with the civil war coming up, so with the slow updates it will take forever. I think the story development is going in a good direction. There were some points that I thought did not make much sense like genderbending Sirzechs. This just seems like something weird and pointless to me. There were also some really cringe things like both Cain and his brother's inner dialogue about becoming the strongest devil. Super cringe. But other than that, I think that the story development is going in a good direction. I think the character design is good, it is a unique character, but I think that the author needs to flesh out more detail regarding the character and his training/powers. We just see time skips and never get to see how the character trains. He just becomes stronger with every time skip. For the World Background, I think that this is what needs the most work. I have read plenty of DXD material and I found myself confused many times on what was happening and the power levels. It took me until the Younger Generation Gathering to figure out what time period this is because it is not explained well in the story. I imagine that it will be even more difficult for someone who is not super familiar with DXD. When it comes to the power levels, this is even more confusing because it is not explained well. One second the MC is high ultimate class, but the next they are peak high class. I think even at one point the author described Grayfia as "Mid Mid-class". This is just confusing and makes it so much harder to like the story. The author needs to flesh out the details of the story and properly lay it out for it to improve. Overall, it is a decent story but it has its issues that need to be fixed/edited. I might stick around to see if it improves but we shall see. I hope this review helped as it was a completely honest review after reading the whole story.

As a Lucifer in DxD


Liked by 12 people




Thanks for the honest review.


idk if it the way of webnovel comment works or you are not that good either at writing. use paragraph and enter button man. its hard to read wall of text. anyway thanks for the review, it help me decide if i gonna read it or not


I typed it out as paragraphs but webnovel put it like this so

Discarded:idk if it the way of webnovel comment works or you are not that good either at writing. use paragraph and enter button man. its hard to read wall of text. anyway thanks for the review, it help me decide if i gonna read it or not

Yeah, WN is weird like that sometimes and kills all spaces between sentences, ruined more than once one of my reviews too.

Discarded:idk if it the way of webnovel comment works or you are not that good either at writing. use paragraph and enter button man. its hard to read wall of text. anyway thanks for the review, it help me decide if i gonna read it or not