
Review Detail of Mickaelle09 in Surviving As An Extra In Fantasy World Isn't Easy

Review detail


While writing this review , i've read 17 chapters. And i don't see myself going further. Let's start with the pros: - The world is a bit different from the worlds we are used to see in novels about extras or villains transmigrated in books. - They are some comic moments . - The main intrigue seems interesting . - The interactions are well written . - We know about Mc's life before his transmigration. - The author made an effort by rewriting this book , whose original version was " The extra's survival". Now , onto the cons : - The pace is too slow. I get the feeling that the first chapters are unnecessarily dragging. ( honestly, the author could have taken the 4th chapter as the first one and nothing would have substantially changed) - The characters are not entertaining. First, the Mc is unninteresting. We mostly care about a book's plot because of its Mc. However to me , the Mc appears rather bland ( a bit like a sympathetic guy but with nothing peculiar about him ). Then , other characters are not so better. Characters such as Frost And Charles appeared childish to me ( for me , their introduction was bad). The vice-principal was the only intersting one. ** I won’t be difficult regarding characters, as they haven't been shown much for the time being . - There are too many mistakes. I command the efforts of the author who tried to construct interesting sentences and give it good structures. However, a good structure is not worth it if they are so many mistakes. I'm not a native english speaker, so i'm rather lenient with authors (grammar-wise ). But there are so many mistakes in this book that it is just too painful to read. Plus, one should take into account that it is a rewriting . So one can expect and should be delivered more than this level of writing. Moreover, the author, albeit asking himself people to point out his mistakes so he could correct them,doesn't do so . I can understand that the author has a life beside writing. However, this is not a reason to not take time to correct mistakes( especially when others have already pointed them out for you). I sincerely hope that the author will put in more efforts to emprove his english . - The updates aren't regular. As i said , the author has a life aside from writing , and it's understandable that he posts chapters when he can. However , if he stocked chapters( 10 at least) and chose to publish two per weeks , it would be easier for him and for his readers. Regular updates is the way to retain one' s audience. Remember that there are many new books and new authors out here everydays. If one wants to have a stable audience , this one needs to be constant in his updates. So i encourage the author to work harder regarding this matter. I whish all the best to the author with his writing career. And i wish that he will do justice to his good ideas by improving his writing skills.

Surviving As An Extra In Fantasy World Isn't Easy


Liked by 42 people




i also want if possible to complete the novel's extra verzion cause i am still hooked up on that book rather than this one. just an opinion i love this one too but will absolutely love if you will think of finishing the other one😊 Anyway love your writing and hope to see more updates


Great review. Helped me on if I should read this or not. This is the type of review i wish every novel had before i read them


Happy to know it helped you. 😊

Death_Sounds:Great review. Helped me on if I should read this or not. This is the type of review i wish every novel had before i read them

This novel is interesting but it is for me, typical, seal your memories, it is stupid since you can die and failure of your objective, since it takes away experience and experiences that can help you save your life, I also do not like that he reincarnates for a version of his own or a divine being


Great review.


Thank you for the review. It helps people like me who don't want to waste their time and can move on to something else.There are very few who actually care to leave proper reviews that skip the sugarcoating and get straight to point of the matter.


Couldn't get past the poor grammar, chapter 6 was the furthest I could go


This review is very misleading and im glad i didnt trust this review . I liked this book and just wanted to voice that