
Review Detail of ExArgentum in Is it Wrong to Employ Cute Girls in a Store?

Review detail


Finding a captivating novel on this platform can be a challenge, given the countless options available, especially when the quality of the novels leaves much to be desired. FanHarem, the author of this novel, can be trusted to write good novels that fully explore the personalities of his characters. Although the author's previous works may have garnered a loyal following, it's important to review this new novel objectively, without simply relying on the author's reputation. As such, the novel in question is not without its flaws, but it is an enjoyable read overall. Admittedly, the first chapter is a major stumbling block that may discourage some readers from continuing with the story. The lack of clear explanations in the first chapter can be frustrating and confusing, especially for those who are not familiar with the author's previous works. The main character's ramblings and constant references to things the reader doesn't understand can be off-putting, and the sudden shifts in the storyline, from the main character's death to meeting a random being to suddenly existing in a different world, feel disjointed and abrupt. However, once you get past this hurdle, the story really takes off. The main character is interesting and well-developed, with a unique trait that sets him apart from other protagonists in the genre. He's an orphan who was picked up by a rich, "evil" family in his original world, and he possesses a trait that allows him to create duplicates of any item he pays for, essentially giving him an infinite supply of items, granted someone in the world had sold that item at one point in time. Having died, he gains a new trait similar to gluttony, allowing him to kill things and gain strength like falna. Now he finds himself in the world of Danmachi, where he becomes embroiled in a new set of adventures. The dialogue is well-written and flows smoothly, and the supporting characters are equally well thought-out. Even minor characters add depth and dimension to the story. The author's writing style is engaging and immersive, making it easy for readers to become fully invested in the story. Furthermore, the dialogue helps to flesh out the main character as a kind, yet somewhat annoying character, similar to Loki. This helps to create a more well-rounded and relatable protagonist, with whom readers can empathize and root for throughout the story. One area where the novel falls short is in its portrayal of romance. The romantic relationships seem to be based solely on the main character's looks, and the female characters are often only interested in him because of his appearance. It's worth noting that these characters have only known his soul-less robot version until now when he ‘woke up’, so the sudden attraction to his new joyful and annoying personality can be confusing. Additionally, the fact that the main character lacks a god supplying falna, despite him frequently traveling to the dungeon, is often ignored by other characters, which can also be frustrating. However, these issues are not enough to detract from the overall quality of the story. Overall, while the first chapter is a significant hurdle to overcome, the novel is definitely worth reading. The story is well-crafted, the characters are interesting, and the dialogue is engaging. If you can get past the initial confusion, you will likely find yourself drawn into the world of the novel and eager to see where the story goes next. So, if you're looking for a well-written story, you have found it.

Is it Wrong to Employ Cute Girls in a Store?


Liked by 80 people




Man... the points you said are actually something I did not consider except the god part. But yeah, it leaves quite a bit to be desired when you put it this way. Anyway, I'm going to pin this review so others can understand the problems and then dive in, thanks, really~


You made a whole essay review on a fanfiction. Why?


he made an actually review instead of just spewing garbage

Joe_momma:You made a whole essay review on a fanfiction. Why?

Reading your review makes mine feel like garbage 😂. Great Review Though 👍


The fact everyone ignores him going to the dungeon without a falna is normal. That's a thing in Danmachi. Except if he actually is known for being strong beyond what a mortal can accomplish.