I swear I've read this already. this is literally library of heavens path
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LIKEthey could at least change it up more maybe try mage world instead of cultivation
Brandon_Downtain:Not quite, library of hevens path is about a cultivator who is able to find the flaws in things but doesn’t usually teach instead they use it to strengthen themselves, this one is focused more on the person teaching others and in doing so they grow stronger.
"Doesn't usually teach" lol what? The MC of Library of Heavens Path is literally a professional teacher, and a big part of the plot is him teaching students and becoming a more highly ranked teacher.
Brandon_Downtain:Not quite, library of hevens path is about a cultivator who is able to find the flaws in things but doesn’t usually teach instead they use it to strengthen themselves, this one is focused more on the person teaching others and in doing so they grow stronger.