
Review Detail of Srinidhi_r_shetty in Game of Thrones X Asgardian MCU [Dropped]

Review detail


Okay story isss good to read but it's just idiotic I mean why would Starks believe him to be a god when he could not even protect them and give him all the powers I mean they are not a common people whose only woes are about getting food and surviving tommoro they are nobles for fuvksake they are called kings of the north they would not allow him to basically rule calling himself as guardian of Starks and telling them about their death and then accepting is huge brainfuvk even ned would lose his hounor to keep his daughters safe

Game of Thrones X Asgardian MCU [Dropped]


Liked by 1 people




Dont blame me, I was 16 when I wrote this


Yeahh it's okay as I said story was interesting you could try to write a new one or this one again more realistic I would like to read that keep writing and improving no hate man just pointing it out how others have not mentioned it

STEVIOL_GLY: Dont blame me, I was 16 when I wrote this