Not tagged properly instant 1 star
Liked by 16 people
LIKEhow??? i taught review supposed to be for how good the story is , if tagging was so important then it would be option in the list that determines your review it's all about enjoyment , u just gave almost zero Stars just bc of tagging and nothing else bro that's harsh
I'm not the one who gave the review the person who did though is who I'm calling stupid due to improper use of the review section that being said while tagging things appropriately is nice it's not part of the review criteria (even though I think there should be a separate section for that) the criteria for review are listed clearly people like this who completely ignore the criteria and make reviews arbitrarily don't help anyone in which case their reviews are just complaints in fact had the person mentioned how exactly the tagging was lacking or should be fixed I might not have said anything