Def a good Rwby fanfic with lots of potential. People try to use the Ruby’s twin idea a lot but fail, I thought his would be one of those but surprisingly it’s not so far. Long chaps and there’s nothing major for me to point out for the author except to not get too carried away with the mc. Lots of great Rwby fanfics are completely destroyed with the mc being stronger than the Rwby cast. The best thing I like about Rwby is how everyone is similarly skilled and no one has op god powers except Salem and the maidens. That’s why there are teams of 4, to cover each persons weakness. So be careful with his semblance and his skills with his massive multi form weapon so as to not make him op. You can even use his 4 different fighting styles as his main weakness as they are all very different from another. Good stuff!
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LIKEI recommend the villains actually having motives and stick to it, like Adam, at first they showed him to be some kind of person who really care for his kind and just became a 3rd rate villain who doesn't care about his kind. I hope you can flesh them out and make the world you create in the fanfic have grey in it not just black and white.
Yeah, true huntsmen in rwby are the only op ones. There’s a reason why Oz trusted Tai with being a part of his inner circle. But in the end they are above other huntsmen but not solo Salem or even a maiden strong. Just fighting cinder before she was a full maiden would require at least one or two members from Ozpins inner circle.
Precisely I liked Adam’s character at first, but they just turned him into a jealous ex I have a few plans for Roman, Neopolitan, Emerald, Murcurey, Adam, Lionheart, and the others