
Review Detail of Upcoming_Region in MCU: I am 05-1

Review detail


I hope you keep this because there aren't many SCP fanfics, so please try to keep it up. I know it may be hard to continue writing, so take some breaks, and then please continue because it's a great story!!!!

MCU: I am 05-1


Liked by 1 people




I won't drop this fic, while I have most major plot points planned, I don't have everything in between, and my upload schedule is nothing if not wildly inconsistent, but I'm gunna keep writing this, for as far as it goes


Alright, thanks for clarifying because this is a great book to me at least so keep it up!!

The_Noobulas:I won't drop this fic, while I have most major plot points planned, I don't have everything in between, and my upload schedule is nothing if not wildly inconsistent, but I'm gunna keep writing this, for as far as it goes

An idea, make the hydra organization like Chaos Insurgency, except they want the power of SCP's

The_Noobulas:I won't drop this fic, while I have most major plot points planned, I don't have everything in between, and my upload schedule is nothing if not wildly inconsistent, but I'm gunna keep writing this, for as far as it goes

Another idea is using SCP 001 The prototype look it up its a great idea 👍

The_Noobulas:I won't drop this fic, while I have most major plot points planned, I don't have everything in between, and my upload schedule is nothing if not wildly inconsistent, but I'm gunna keep writing this, for as far as it goes

I know that one actually, it's in the plans, the jolly green plans

Upcoming_Region:Another idea is using SCP 001 The prototype look it up its a great idea 👍

Hey you said you weren't going to drop the story yet it's been 15 days since and you made the story 0 chapters

The_Noobulas:I won't drop this fic, while I have most major plot points planned, I don't have everything in between, and my upload schedule is nothing if not wildly inconsistent, but I'm gunna keep writing this, for as far as it goes

I promise it's not dropped, going through something IRL, it's still on my mind and I'm still updating my notes with ideas, but I haven't had time to write anything, I do apologize but I swear I'm working on it and I will return to my not very consistent upload schedule when things settle down

Upcoming_Region:Hey you said you weren't going to drop the story yet it's been 15 days since and you made the story 0 chapters

It's alright also I recommend not including all of the SCPs due to the fact that some of them are just plain dumb like there's 10 reality warmers basically at this point unless you want to kill them off which is possible with God 343.

The_Noobulas:I promise it's not dropped, going through something IRL, it's still on my mind and I'm still updating my notes with ideas, but I haven't had time to write anything, I do apologize but I swear I'm working on it and I will return to my not very consistent upload schedule when things settle down

yeah, I have a small plan for one of the big boys if the universe, the others are just kinda hanging in limbo until I decide fully

Upcoming_Region:It's alright also I recommend not including all of the SCPs due to the fact that some of them are just plain dumb like there's 10 reality warmers basically at this point unless you want to kill them off which is possible with God 343.

Try to make SCP 082 and SCP 3288 interact since they are close also try 178 and 053 letting her get close to them. Possibly add 1918 and another SCP and possibly 407 SCP

The_Noobulas:I promise it's not dropped, going through something IRL, it's still on my mind and I'm still updating my notes with ideas, but I haven't had time to write anything, I do apologize but I swear I'm working on it and I will return to my not very consistent upload schedule when things settle down

001 Keter duty I recommend using early since it'll be of help to you

Upcoming_Region:Try to make SCP 082 and SCP 3288 interact since they are close also try 178 and 053 letting her get close to them. Possibly add 1918 and another SCP and possibly 407 SCP