
Review Detail of FatEmperor in I Maximize My Item-dropping Rate

Review detail


It had potential, but as others have already mentioned, the protagonist is very cowardly and that ruins it. A cowardly protagonist is very common in Chinese novels. For some reason, they believe that if you stand out, the entire world would be after you. I usually can't stand it and I drop them soon after if it gets too annoying. (Like hiding strength, hiding face, hiding background.) If you hide or your whole life motto is to lay low, you're just a spineless wimp in my eyes. Aaaaanyway, this protagonist takes it too far. Even at a high cultivation level, he doesn't dare to hunt anything except for mosquitoes and worms. And when his realm level reaches 7, he hides it and pretends to be much weaker, so he could end up in the team for useless trash, because he felt it would be safer for him. If you're like me and can't stand such cowardly loser protagonists, then stay away from this novel.

I Maximize My Item-dropping Rate

Three Questions

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It’s worse because his decision make him less safe overall. This is a clear coward lacking the intelligence and ability to be cautious