
Review Detail of Salmon_El_Solomon in DxD: ReKiba

Review detail


This is a review after 22 chapters. In short, it's worse than the average novel here. The plot is poorly explained, many unnecessary time skips and terrible development of characters and world. Advice: Lengthen childhood plot, better explain sacred gear development, lengthen and better explain the mc's revenge on the church, better develop the mc's interaction with the characters, develop the changes that the mc's actions have in the world.

DxD: ReKiba


Liked by 44 people




you said that the plot is not poorly explained because: “you are expected to know the story to a certain point when you read a fanfic” and then you wrote “it is one of the main points when you read a fanfic, to go through the story from a different point or perspective.” ", I think that because it is a fanfic (and one that changes practically all the characters as well as adding others from OTHER FRANCHISES) and is telling the story from a different point, it needs to improve and be able to better explain the plot , because honestly the MC seems quite hollow, it seems more like a self-insertion in which the author tries to make the protagonist look great in a very stupid way (by doing the most emo, rude and insulting thing possible and not giving a good justification for that ).

Moltenblackbird:well you are factually wrong. for 1 the plot is not poorly explained and if you are reading a fanfic and do not know the plot then shut up. you are expected to know the story to some extent when you read a fanfic. its one of the main points of reading a fanfic. going through the story from a different perspective or route. its the main appeal of fanfics. also only 2 time skips happen in the entire thing so far. first was after he was forced to protect rias and then when they went to kouh. thats it no more time skips happened. also not going over his powers would just be a waste of time. each one named is not hard to understand if you used your brain a bit. and it was stated that all the mc did the entire time until kouh was train and make swords. i mean did you want the author to explain how many push ups he did. how many times he swung a sword. it was training and basic training just on extreme levels.

well you are factually wrong. for 1 the plot is not poorly explained and if you are reading a fanfic and do not know the plot then shut up. you are expected to know the story to some extent when you read a fanfic. its one of the main points of reading a fanfic. going through the story from a different perspective or route. its the main appeal of fanfics. also only 2 time skips happen in the entire thing so far. first was after he was forced to protect rias and then when they went to kouh. thats it no more time skips happened. also not going over his powers would just be a waste of time. each one named is not hard to understand if you used your brain a bit. and it was stated that all the mc did the entire time until kouh was train and make swords. i mean did you want the author to explain how many push ups he did. how many times he swung a sword. it was training and basic training just on extreme levels.