Everything is good except for the story development and character design.
When I read chapter 1 and the first paragraph, I finally realized why I find this fic so jarring.
The MC is a feminist.
He does not want authority and only wants a simple life with his family, but for his sister, the future Queen, he's willing to abandon his family, turn his eyes on his sister's mistakes, sell his daughter to the brother of the one who took her eye, all the while complaining why he didn't want any of it.
Not a single character development throughout the story.
He still remains someone's loyal dog, despite all his achievements, position, and his experiences.
Despite everything being changed, when you read it again, nothing was actually changed.
You just replaced Daemon with your MC to simp for Rhaenirya. (At least Daemon was badàss. Your MC is just a glorified masochistic dog.)
I would have sympathized but I just couldn't. I think you're going down the Jon Snow route but all his complaining and his actions not matching is painful to read.
I don't know what future development you would make, but this is as far as I go.
Nevertheless, your story was entertaining but I find it not to my taste.